Threads by latest replies - Page 11

No.35817631 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
It took me a while to accept I didn't have father or mother and it still hurts me to this day. But I'll have to keep going forward and treat everyday like a gift!

P.S. I'm sorry I'm writing this here, I don't have many friends. I hope you understand!
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No.35817509 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
The republicans will force trump as president and we will have organized mass killings of gays and trannies in 2025 using data from the NSA and tech companies to track individuals down

You need to get a rifle now so you can die with dignity defending yourself and not helpless in a mass grave or gas chamber
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No.35816246 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
How do you overcome the embarrassment of wanting to look like this?
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sad boymoder

No.35804929 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
there is a sad small boymoder outside on a rainy day. she is wearing nothing but her oversized boymoder hoodie. she is clinging on her shorky plushie because it is her only friend. she has nowhere to go and she is all alone.
what would you do?
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No.35816635 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Is it over ?

Why do black diseases end up hurting gay people the most . What did we do to them

>Monkey Pox

Now a more viral monkey pox
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/chasergen/ - nervous boymoders edition

No.35814656 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
qott: what's the best way to take care of a boymoder?

previous: >>35810779
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No.35815422 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
would you date someone who is overweight?
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No.35817350 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
the highest honor a tranny can bestow upon you is letting you help her take her prog rectally. truly to participate in the divine nightly ritual is a blessed experience not afforded to most. if a tranny lets you shove prog up her ass, you should be honored.

No.35817049 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>malefailed today
what did YOU do anon.

No.35808881 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
what are the most surefire ways to kill myself that dont involve firearms
my country doesnt allow those, and i want it to be something quick before anyone else notices, in case i ever sui
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